Unmatched Durability

The durability of a gemstone is determined by its hardness, i.e., resistance to scratching, and its toughness, i.e., resistance to chipping or cleaving.

SheerGem moissanite, at 9.25 Mohs, is second in hardness only to diamond and incredibly tough. During the development of created moissanite, extensive real-world wear tests were performed by women in a variety of professions, from bank teller to dog groomer to office worker. These wear tests confirmed that moissanite out-performs nearly all gemstones in terms of durability.

Superior Heat Resistance

  • Moissanite has heat resistance properties superior to most other gemstones, offering the following distinct advantages for using moissanite in fine jewelry.
  • Moissanite gemstones can be cast in place, allowing the jewelry designer to offer innovative, exact-fit designs.
  • Moissanite gemstones are less likely to experience heat damage during jewelry repair operations.
  • Moissanite gemstones can survive the extreme temperatures found in typical house fires.

The following pictures demonstrate the superior heat resistance of moissanite compared to diamond.

A moissanite and a diamond are placed in a high temperature oven. The temperature in the oven is increased and a flow of oxygen is introduced.

As the oven reaches 1100° C, the diamond catches fire and begins to vaporize. At this point, the heat to the oven is turned off and the diamond will continue to burn until...

...the diamond has completely vaporized. The moissanite jewel remains intact and as brilliant as the day it was created.